Services | Hybrid Media


Our Services

Cyber Security
The way in which users can deploy new ICT services with providers has changed and the way organisations deploy new ICT services. Where deployments would have originally been planned out and the security of a given service was considered. Security now is mostly overlooked in favour of the experience of deployment.
IT Consultancy
IT is crucial to the smooth operation of any organisation. This is why having a ‘hand’s on approach’ is where HME excel at. By Aligning your IT strategy with industry knowledge and expertise to ultimately save you time and money. No matter how complex the project, we ensure your valuable organisation data is protected by building and implementing a solid network and seamlessly transforming your organisation.
Cloud Services
Google offers a variety of free educational tools for schools, which can help you increase opportunities for critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, all while supporting blended learning and the learning objectives that have been set for your pupils. Whether your school already uses Google Workspace for Education or you’re looking into a solution that works well for remote learning, we’re here to help.
Backup & Recovery
Data and service availability is crucial to an organisation. That’s why a comprehensive data protection strategy is critical to the continuation of operations within your organisation should a disaster occur. We can help you to ensure your organisation is protected from a wide range of situations such as, server failure, ransomware breakout, or even from as small as a file being overwritten.